

211 2024-05-15 14:53 admin




下面是Bouns car的秘籍

Castrol Ford GT:


Porsche Cayman:


Burger King challenge:



额外的 $10,000

如果你在玩《极品飞车 最高通缉》的时候,在你的记忆卡里面如果有任何一个 极品地下狂飙Career模式的存档,在剧情过后,买车的时候,你会多出额外的10,000块。这样上来就可以买那辆$35,000的Golf了,或者买其它不到$30,000车子,可以有更多的钱去改装车子了。


1. Start game. 开始游戏

2. While at the screen that says CLICK TO CONTINUE or MAIN MENU, type

in the desired codes below, for the desired effect you want. 在点击以继续画面或主选单输入以下秘籍 字串4

inthezoneskin = Autozone Vinyl Unlocked! 解开

syntecskin = Castrol Syntec Vinyl Unlocked! 解开

*5grand5grand = Castrol Cash Unlocked! 解开

shinycarsarethebestcars = Chrome Cars Unlocked! 解开

cooperlogofreeforyou = Cooper Tire Logo Unlocked! 解开

chasingmobile = Corvette Z06 Interceptor Unlocked For Quick Race! 解开可以在快速竞赛中使用Corvette Z06 Interceptor

guesswhoisback =Cross Corvette Z06 Unlocked For Quick Race! 解开可以在快速竞赛中使用Cross Corvette Z06

trashtalking = Rhino Unlocked For Quick Race! 解开可以在快速竞赛中使用Rhino

bigredfiredrive = Fire Truck Unlocked For Quick Race! 解开可以在快速竞赛中使用消防车

*friendlyheadlocksapplied = Infinite Crew Charge! 解开无限队员能量值

*nosforeverever = Infinite Nitrous! 解开无限氮气

slowitdownwhenyouwant = Infinite Speedbreaker! 解开无限子弹时间

*speed3foryou = Mazda Speed3 Unlocked! 解开 Mazda Speed3

*lotsoffreelogos = Need for Speed Carbon Logo Vinyls Unlocked! 解开极十车身图案 字串8

*lotsoffreevinyls = Need for Speed Carbon Special Logo Vinyls Unlocked! 解开极十特别车身图案

watchoutthebigtruckishere = Dump Truck Unlocked For Quick Race! 解开可以在快速竞赛中使用Dump Truck

pharrellvinylgogo = Pharrell Vinyl Unlocked! 解开

chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk = Mazda Dealership Unlocked! 解开Mazda Dealership

givemethedb9 = 2005 Aston Martin DB9 Unlocked! 解开Aston Martin DB9

givemethechargersrt8 = 2006 Dodge Charger SRT8 Unlocked! 解开Dodge Charger SRT8

canyonalltheway = All Tracks Unlocked! 解开所有车子 字串6



Codes marked with a * is confirmed working, the others might have to be

activated by another method. Someone suggested that they might work with

an EA account, but since i don't have that, i can't test them. Codes with

* don't have to be typed with a *, just in case you're wondering.



Another issue with the codes, is that when you type one wrong, it's like,

it's blocking and you can't type others. Only solution to that, is to

restart game Frown

如果你打错密码,必须重新再入游戏,输入密码 字串6

We decided to release the codes for you all now, since the demand is high,

maybe you can see the light in getting the others working? Have fun Smile

这项不关游戏和密码 字串5

Special Note:


The 3 last codes wasn't found in the main game exe, if you look a little

deeper, you will find them, you actually need a tool other than notepad,

before you can be successful.
